be the architect of your reality


Step into this very powerful journey
where you will transform, evolve, expand.

This 1-on-1 program will help you become your own Source of Creation & Manifestation. 

Through this powerful transformative one-o-one training, you will learn how to embody your highest vibrational expression and co-create your own reality.

The 12-session mentoring & healing program guides you to heal the past wounds that no longer serve you and help you see your wholeness as you integrate the higher-self and fragmentations in the personality-self.

Each session has a unique combination of quantum hypnotherapy, DNA reprogramming, energy work & channeling to address specific areas that need healing & expansion. You’ll have a conversation with your inner wisdom to learn more about who you are and discover why you are here and see yourself on a newly aligned path with your soul’s wisdom and guidance to move forward in your life.

This program is customized and will address your specific needs depending on where you are at on your self-discovery path. Digital materials on the healing process will be sent in addition to the practice.


The program includes the following aspects depending on your needs

▪ How to remove all limiting physical and non-physical aspects of Self and embody your highest potential.

▪ How to heal yourself, accessing & deprogramming the root cause of any trauma. 

▪ How to utilize the technology of the body to clear your energetic field & integrate new downloads / updates / frequencies

▪ Read & Clear stored information in your holographic chakra system

▪ Harmonize & Re-balance your chakras

▪ Deprogram trauma & inverted belief systems accessing their grid origin on simultaneous timelines

▪ Inner Child Healing

▪ Healing & Harmonization of Masculine/ Feminine polarities

▪ How to master emotions accessing the zero point in the electromagnetic field

▪ Heart Coherence & Activation

▪ How to edit DNA

▪ How to connect & realign with your Higher Self

▪ How to Co-create with the field

▪ Release ancestral Soul edits

▪ Scan your multidimensional body to remove entities, implants, contractual agreements with illness & karmic patterns

▪ Realign Mind-Body-Soul

▪ Reconnection to Soul Family & Source

▪ Shifting into time-space

▪ Pineal gland activation

▪ Reintegrate fractals of Soul

▪ Epigenetics

▪ Identify your highest vibrational signature

▪ Higher-Self, Soul Family & Guides Connection

▪ Ascension & Integration to 5D

▪ E.T / AI / Galactic aspects

Areas of expertise


  • Release Stress , Anxiety, Depression
  • Anger, Fears , Phobias
  • Trauma , PTSD


  • Understand the Laws of the Universe
  • Activate your manifestation center
  • Remove limiting belief systems


  • Attract Fulfilling Relationships
  • Overcome a Separation, a Loss
  • Fertility & Pregnancy

Soul healing

  • Neutralize ancestral & karmic memories
  • Reintegrate fragmented parts of Self
  • Realign with your Light Body
  • Rebalance your electromagnetic field

Quantum Liberation

  • Rewire your Belief System
  • Transmute your Limitations
  • Activate DNA to embody your highest vibration
  • Accelerate your Manifestations

Solar reconnection

  • Anchor in your Highest Self
  • Recode New Structures of Reality
  • Collapse Timelines